Flexcera Smile Ultra+

Desktop Health™

Flexcera Smile Ultra+

Permanent smiles, made possible with 3D printing

Flexcera Smile Ultra+ is a nanoceramic resin with lifelike lustre and translucency. It is a 510(k) Class 2 medical device FDA clearance that allows you to fabricate permanent dental prosthetics.

The Smile with the Most Bite

Flexcera Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing nanoceramic resin that is FDA 510(k) Class 2 cleared for a wide range of permanent and temporary dental restorations. It is developed by Desktop Health based on the same proprietory long-chain chemistry as the Flexcera Base and Flexcera Smile.

Long Chain Chemistry 

The Flexcera formulation provides ceramic-like strength designed for long-term use. 


exocad dentalCAD anatomic crown module icon

Crowns (posterior region)

Individual permanent full single crowns and permanent partial crowns in the posterior region, including inlays and Onlays,

Telescopic Crowns icon

Crowns (anterior region)

Individual permanent full single crowns and permanent partial crowns in the anterior region, including inlays and Onlays,

veneers icon


Individual and fixed single veneers

removable partial denture frameworks module icon

Full & Partial Dentures

Individual and removable monolithic full and partial dentures for later individualization by light-curing color composite pastes or liquids.


Artificial Teeth

Artificial teeth for dental protheses

Proto3000_Crown Bridge icon


Temporary bridges


Thanks to the long-chain chemistry of the Flexcera™ resins, your dental restorations will be two times more resistant to moisture thus preventing staining and discoloration and three times more resistant to fracture.

∼ 3x More Resistant to Fracture

Fracture Properties_Flexcera Smile

∼ 2x More Resistant to Moisture

Flexcera Smile Water Absorption

Available in 6 colours to match individual patient smiles


desktop health flexcera ultra plus dlp 3d printing resin

Bleach A1 A2 A3.5 A3 B1
bleach Flexcera Smile Ultra A1 Flexcera Smile Ultra A2 Flexcera Smile Ultra A3 Flexcera Smile Ultra A3 Flexcera Smile Ultra B1 Flexcera Smile Ultra

Say goodbye to brittleness and poor aesthetics.

Say hello to Flexcera™ and beautiful smiles.




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