DynaFlex Scaling Up Clear Aligner Capabilities

DynaFlex Scaling Up Clear Aligner Capabilities

Aligned with Growth The Price of a Smile In the dental industry, customers’s pain points are imperative to producing straight…

NEOLab Integrates 3D Printing Into Digital Workflow

NEOLab Integrates 3D Printing Into Digital Workflow

The New England Orthodontic Laboratory (NEOLab) is a state-of-the-art lab with a nationwide clientele of pediatric dentists and orthodontists. They’ve been in business for over 35 years having built a reputation on quality through personalized service, uncompromising standards, unbeatable turnaround times and competitive pricing. Offering a selection of over 150 types of appliances, 3D printing has helped the dental lab to meet and exceed industry standards and fabricate the highest quality products.