Image shows vhf N4 Plus dental mill



Enhance your dental clinic or laboratory’s production value with the N4+ by vhf. It is an eye-catching dental mill in four axes with an integrated water-cooled spindle. This way, you get improved process stability, and even in continuous operation, you can always count on first-class results.

Image shows dental mill K5+ by vhf



vhf®’s K5+ system is a five-axis dental milling machine extra spindle power that can easily mill tough materials such as cobalt-chrome. It is particularly efficient in dry milling with proven reliability in any dental laboratory.

Image of vhf E3 Dental ill for Occlusal Appliances



E3 is vhf®’s specialist for the processing of occlusal appliances. It helps dental professionals to automate the precision of trimming the occlusal appliances such as aligners, bite splints, grinding splints and other variants up to sports mouth guards.

Formlabs Form 4B Dental 3D Printer masked SLA desktop dental 3D printing featured

Formlabs® Form 4B

Formlabs® Form 4B

The Formlabs’ Form 4B Dental is a blazing fast dental 3D printer that offers the most diverse materials library for dentistry and orthodontics. You can create high-quality dental models and biocompatible appliances fast, with easy workflows, leading reliability, and stunning part quality using the Form 4B ecosystem.Form 4B’s speed is driven by Formlabs’ new Low Force Display™ Print Engine, a powerful combination of ultra-high power LEDs, collimating lenses, optical filters, and a robust liquid crystal display. Together they cure each layer of resin rapidly — regardless of part size or quantity. With consistent surface accuracy, models, appliances, and prosthetics will fit every time.